When it comes to connection with students, parents, and the world, it is important to find a method that is effective for everyone. Two methods I want to discuss are Remind and Class Dojo . Remind is one of my current go-to tools. I coached many teams and one way we would communicate is through the use of this tool. How this tool works is by providing communication to students and parents where they are. Meaning that reminders and other class-related (or team related) announcements can be sent directly to each parent’s phone (and sometimes the student’s phone if they are allowed to have one at their age). Simple to use If your community can text, they can use Remind. Two-way messaging A direct line between the people who matter most to student success. Built for education Making communication easier for educators—not more complicated. All that needs to happen in order to set this up is to have each recipient (whoever wants to receive the reminders)...